名城大学農学部附属農場運営報告(第1号~第14号)および気象データ>> 2024年度農場行事の予定は以下の通りです。
6月15日 (土)田植祭 (学部行事)
10月26日 (土)収穫祭 (学部行事)
>> 農場を研究利用される先生方へ
様式1(研究施設・圃場) | 様式2(材料採取・提供) |
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・A. Hoshino, V. Jayakumar, E. Nitasaka, A. Toyoda, H. Noguchi, T. Itoh, T. Shin-I, Y. Minakuchi, Y. Koda, A. Nagano, M. Yasugi, M. Honjo, H. Kudoh, M. Seki, A. Kamiya, T. Shiraki, P. Carninci, E. Asamizu, H. Nishide, S. Tanaka, K.I. Park, Y. Morita, K. Yokoyama, I. Uchiyama, Y. Tanaka, S. Tabata, K. Shinozaki, Y. Hayashizaki, Y. Kohara, Y. Suzuki, S. Sugano, A. Fujiyama, S. Iida, and Y. Sakakibara (2016) Genome sequence and analysis of the Japanese morning glory Ipomoea nil. Nature Commun. 7, Article number: 13295, doi:10.1038/ncomms13295.
・Shah M. K., Y. Hayashi and H. Kumagai (2016) Productive and Reproductive Performances of Indigenous Lime and Parkote Buffaloes in the Western hills of Nepal. b>Journal of Buffalo Science 5: 14-17.
・Azuma M, R. Morimoto, M. Hirose, Y. Morita, A. Hoshino, S. Iida, Y. Oshima, N. Mitsuda, M. Ohme-Takagi and K. Shiratake (2016) A petal-specific InMYB1 promoter from Japanese morning glory: a useful tool for molecular breeding of floricultural crops. Plant Biotechnology Journal 14: 354-363.
・Hayashi Y., M. K. Shah and H. Kumagai (2015) Feeding practice and bodyweight estimation of goat in Chitwan district of Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Agricultural Science 13:220-227.
・Morita Y., K. Ishiguro, Y. Tanaka, S. Iida and A. Hoshino (2015) Spontaneous mutations of the UDP-glucose:flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase gene confers pale and dull colored flowers in the Japanese and common morning glories. Planta 242: 575-587.
・Morita Y., K. Tanase, A. Ohmiya, T. Hisamatsu and M. Nakayama (2015) Isolation and Characterization of Enhancer of Flavonoid Production Genes from Floricultural Crops. Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University 51: 35-41.
・Hayashi Y., Shah M. K. and Kumagai H. (2014) Changes of Milk Production and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Buffaloes in Nepal during recent 15 years. Journal of Buffalo Science 3: 34-37.
・林義明, 坂本秀文(2014)北海道十勝地域における昼夜放牧期と非放牧期での乳牛の繁殖性の相違. 日本畜産学会報. 85: 285-293.
・塚原洋子, 林義明, 飛岡久弥(2014)ヤギの栄養. ヤギの科学. シリーズ〈家畜の科学〉3. (中西良孝編). 朝倉書店. 51-75.
・高橋有、山内卓樹、内藤健、森田裕将、安達俊輔、高木宏樹(2014)次世代の遺伝学と育種Ⅱ(特集記事 ワークショップ報告)育種学研究 16: 86–92.
・Morita Y., K. Takagi, M. Fukuchi-Mizutani, K. Ishiguro, Y. Tanaka, E. Nitasaka, M. Nakayama, N. Saito, T. Kagami, A. Hoshino and S. Iida (2014) A chalcone isomerase-like protein enhances flavonoid production and flower pigmentation. The Plant Journal 78: 294-304.
・Fujino N., T. Yamazaki, Y. Li, K. Kera, E. Furuhashi, S. Yamashita, Y. Morita, M. Nakayama, S. Takahashi and T. Nakayama (2014) cDNA cloning and characterization of chalcone isomerase-fold proteins from snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) flowers. Plant Biotechnology 31: 105-114.
・星野敦, 森田裕将(2013)トランスポゾン.植物色素フラボノイド(武田幸作, 齋藤規夫, 岩科司編).文一総合出版. 434-447.