・函館で開催されたPacific Seabird Group annual meeting2009におけるstudent paper awardにおいて,Yukiko Inoue1, Hidenori Fujii2, Hirohumi Kuroki2, Yasuaki Niizuma2 and Yutaka Watanuki1(1. Hokkaido University, 2. Meijo University)による「THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORNAMENT SIZE AND BREEDING SUCCESS IN THE GREAT CORMORANT(カワウにおける飾り羽の大きさと繁殖成績の関係)」 が、Second award を受賞しました.
・東京で開催された日本鳥学会2008年度大会における若手の部ポスター賞において、富田直樹1, 岡田恵理2, 新妻靖章2, 高木昌興1(1. 大阪市大・院理・動物機能生態, 2. 名城大・農・環境動物)による「胚の成長に影響を与える卵の気孔密度のクラッチ内の相違」が優秀賞を受賞しました.
・「バカにならない読書術」養老孟司,池田清彦,吉岡忍著のなかで,当研究室有田豊名誉教授の「擬態する蛾 スカシバガ」が科学を楽しむ本として,紹介されました. スカシバガのように良い手本を真似ることも科学を学ぶ上で,はじめは重要なのでしょう.
New・Niizuma Y, Terada T. (in press) No remarkable effect of blood mercury on corticosterone levels in Black-tailed Gulls. Ornith Sci
New・Hosoda A, Mabe I, Kojima T, Nakasu Y, Niizuma Y (2024) The ingestion of microplastics affects the diversity of the gut microbiome and testicular development in Japanese quail. Ecological Genetics and Genomics 33, 100288.
New・Umano S, Mori T, Mikuni K, Niizuma Y (2024) Temporal segregation between female Asiatic black bears with unweaned offspring and solitary bears. Ursus 2024.35e14: 1-8.
New・Sakai M, Kimura SS, Mizutani Y, Ishikawa M, Ito T, Arai N, Niizuma Y (2024) Telomere length changes in the Pacific white-sided dolphin measured for one and a half years. Marine Mammal Science e13123.
New・Nagatani N, Shirai M, Okado J, Niizuma Y. (2024) Daily energy expenditure of chick-rearing Rhinoceros Auklets Cerorhinca monocerata. Ornithol Sci 23: 57-64.
New・永谷奈央,新妻靖章,綿貫豊.(2024) ウトウ雛における安静時代謝速度.日本鳥学会誌 73: 57-66.
・Azumi S, Thiebot J-B, Takahashi A, Okado J, Nagatani N, Niizuma Y, Moteki M and Watanuki Y(2024) Stomach contents and stable isotope analysis reveal Antarctic prey in Short-tailed Shearwaters sampled at sea. Journal of Ornithology165: 263–267
・Shoji A, Whelan S, Cunningham JT, Hatch SA, Niizuma Y, Nakajima C, Elliott KH. (2023) Ecological niche partitioning in two Pacific puffins. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 709: 125–139.
・Tani H, Shirai M, Mizutani Y, Niizuma Y. (2023) The growth rate of Black-tailed Gull chicks is negatively related to total mercury of female parents on Kabushima (Kabu Island), Japan. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 18: 14
・酒井理佐・山田和佳・西澤文吾・越智大介・新妻靖章・綿貫豊.(2023)北太平洋西部におけるアホウドリ科2種の胃の中のプラスチック.日本鳥学会誌 72: 57–66.
・Hori M, Kimura SS, Mizutani Y, Miyagawa Y, Ito K, Arai N, Niizuma Y (2022) Detection of Telomere Length and Oxidative Stress in Chondrichthyes. Fisheries Science 88: 741-750.
・Miura K, Mori T, Ogawa H, Umano S, Kato H, Izumiyama S, Niizuma Y (2022) Density estimations of the Asiatic black bear: Application of the Random Encounter Model. Journal of Natural History. 56, 1123-1138.
・Kinoshita C, Saito A, Sakamoto KQ, Niizuma Y, Sato K (2022) Heart rate as a proxy for estimating oxygen consumption rates in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Biology Open. 11 (3): bio058952.
・Hosoda A, Kurosaki M, Kazama K, Murano H, Mizota C, Niizuma Y (2022) Correlation between molecular microbial community and nitrogen cycling on ornithogenic soil affected by tsunami in Japan. Ecological Genetics and Genomics 23, 100114
・Inoue Y, Nakatsuka S, Niizuma Y, Ochi D, Katsumata N, Okamoto K, Ishihi Y, Oshima K, Minami H (2023) Stable isotope differences among species, sexes and breeding stages in Laysan and Black-footed Albatrosses in western North Pacific. Ornithol Sci 22: 3-14
・Niizuma Y, Tani H, Yamashita Y, Ito M, Maeda M (2021) Mercury contamination in endocrine glands of black-tailed gulls Larus crassirostris on Kabushima (Kabu Island), Japan. Marine Ornithology 49: 329-333.
・Umeyama A, Niizuma Y, Shirai M (2021) Field and laboratory metabolism and thermoregulation in rhinoceros auklets. PeerJ 9:e11460 DOI:10.7717/peerj.11460
・Kinoshita C, Fukuoka T, Narazaki T, Niizuma Y, Sato K (2021) Analysis of why sea turtles swim slowly: a metabolic and mechanical approach. J Exp Biol 224
・Nakatsuka S, Ochi D, Inoue Y, Ohizumi H, Niizuma Y, Minami H 2021 The diet composition and ingested plastics of Laysan and Black-footed Albatrosses incidentally captured by the pelagic longline fishery in the Western North Pacific. Ornithological Science 20: 129-140
・Mori T, Sugiura R, Kato M, MiuraK, Ogawa H, Umano S, Kato H, Izumiyama S, Niizuma Y 2021 Relationship between diet and occurrence around human settlements in Asiatic black bears. Ursus 32e11: 1-10
・Will A, Takahashi A, Thiebota J-B, Martinez A, Kitaiskaia E, Britt L, Nichol D, Murphy J, Dimond A, Tsukamoto S, Nishizawa B, Niizuma Y, Kitaysky A (2020) The breeding seabird community reveals that recent sea ice loss in the Pacific Arctic does not benefit piscivores and is detrimental to planktivores. Deep-Sea Research Part II. 181: 104902.
・Mori T, Sugiura R, Katoa M, Miura K, Ogawa H, Umano S, Kato H, Izumiyama S, Niizuma Y (2020) Bark stripping behavior in relation to Fagaceae mast production and diet in the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus). Journal of Forest Research 25: 450-455.
・Kume Y, Shirai M, Mizutani Y & Niizuma Y 2019 Parental birds incubating larger clutch size regulate their field metabolic rates in response to environmental changes. Ornithological Science 18, 161-167.
・庄子晶子・杉山淳・谷日向子・新妻靖章 2019 北海道におけるミサゴ成鳥と雛の水銀濃度ミサゴの水銀濃度.日鳥学誌 68:343-347.
・Mori T, Sugiura R, Kato M, Kato H, Niizuma Y 2018 Mammal Study 43:81-91.
・風間健太郎,伊藤元裕,新妻靖章,桜井泰憲,高田秀重,Sydeman WJ, Croxall JP,綿貫豊 2010 海洋環境モニタリングにおける海鳥の役割と保全.日鳥学誌 59:38-54.