
新妻 靖章(Yasuaki Niizuma)准教授














日本鳥学会、日本哺乳類学会、日本生態学会、Pasific Seabirds Group



1. 新妻 靖章,小泉 達也,萬屋 宏,河野 裕之,川本 康広. 1995. 北海道大学天塩地方演習林におけるエゾヒグマの生息状況について. 北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告. 52: 110-114.

2. Niizuma Y* & Watanuki Y. 1997. Effects of circadian rhythm and breeding stage on resting metabolic rates in fasting Leach's Storm-petrels. Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology. 29: 83-90.

3. 新妻靖章*・高橋晃周 1998. 巣穴営巣性海鳥類コシジロウミツバメの巣箱の形状とその利用率. Strix. 29: 152-155.

4. Niizuma Y*, Takahashi A, Sawada M & Watanuki Y. 1998. Sexual dimorphism in external measurements of adult Leach's Storm-petrels breeding at Daikoku Island. Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology. 30: 36-39.

5. Niizuma Y*, Takahashi A & Watanuki Y. 1999. Energy expenditure of Leach's Storm-petrels in artificial nestboxes. Japanese Journal of Ornithology. 47: 49‐53.

6. Takahashi A, Niizuma Y & Watanuki Y. 1999. Regulation of food provisioning and parental body condition in Leach's Storm-petrels (Oceanodroma luecorhoa): Experimental manipulation of food demand of offspring. Ecological Research. 14: 155-164.

7. Takahashi A, Kuroki M, Niizuma Y & Watanuki Y. 1999. Parental food provisioning is unrelated to manipulated offspring food demand in a nocturnal single-provisioning alcid, the Rhinoceros Auklet. Journal of Avian Biology. 30: 486-490.

8. 高橋康郎・新妻靖章*・石川宏治・帖地美千代・綿貫豊. 1999. 抱卵コストはオオセグロカモメのクラッチサイズを制約するか? Japanese Journal of Ornithology. 48: 127-133.

9. Niizuma Y*, Takahashi A, Kuroki M & Watanuki Y. 1999. Sexing by external measurements of adult Rhinoceros Auklets breeding on Teuri island. Japanese Journal of Ornithology. 48: 145-150.

10. Yoda K, Sato K, Niizuma Y, Kurita M, Bost C-A, Le Maho Y & Naito 1999. Precise monitoring of porpoising behaviour of Adelie Penguin determined using acceleration data loggers. Journal of Experimental Biology. 202: 3121-3126.

11. Niizuma Y*, Takahashi A, Tokita N & Hayama S. 2000. A body condition index based on body mass and external measurements of live Leach’s storm-petrels. Japanese Journal of Ornithology. 49: 131-137.

12. 新妻靖章*・石川宏治・森宏枝・荒木葉子・長雄一・綿貫豊. 2001. ナホトカ号油流出事故によって死亡したウトウの外部形態と栄養状態に関する報告. Strix. 19: 81-89.

13. Niizuma Y, Takahashi A, Sasaki N, Hayama S, Tokita N & Watanuki Y. 2001. Benefit of mass reduction for commuting flight with heavy food load in Leach’s Storm-petrel, Oceanodroma leucorhoa. Ecological Resarch. 16: 197-203.

14. Takahashi A, Kuroki M, Niizuma Y, Kato A, Saitoh S & Watanuki Y. 2001. Importance of the Japanese Anchovy Engraulis japonicus to breeding Rhinoceros Auklets Cerorhinca monocerata on Teuri island, Sea of Japan. Marine Biology. 139: 361-371.

15. 新妻靖章・荒木葉子・森宏枝. 2001. 外部計測値からウトウの栄養状態を推定する方法. 野生生物保護. 7: 41-47.

16. Sato K, Naito Y, Kato A, Niizuma Y, Watanuki Y, Charrassin JB, Bost C-A, Handrich Y & Le Maho Y. 2002. Buoyancy and maximal diving depth in penguins: do they control inhaling air volume? Journal of Experimental Biology. 205: 1189-1197.

17. Watanuki Y, Kato A, Sato K, Niizuma Y, Bost C-A, Le Maho Y & Naito Y. 2002. Parental mass change and food provisioning in Adélie Penguins rearing chicks in colonies with contrasting sea-ice conditions. Polar Biology. 25: 672-681.

18. Chochi M, Niizuma Y* & Takagi M. 2002. Sexual differences in the external measurements of Black-tailed Gull breeding at Rishiri Island, Japan. Ornithological Science. 1: 163-166.

19. Niizuma Y*, Araki Y, Mori H, Takahashi Y & Watanuki Y. 2002. Responses of body components to changes in the energetic demand throughout the breeding stages of Rhinoceros Auklets. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 80: 1549-1555.

20. Watanuki Y, Niizuma Y, Gabrielsen GW, Sato K & Naito Y. 2003. Stroke and glide of wing-propelled divers: deep diving seabirds adjust surge frequency to buoyancy change with depth. Proceeding of Royal Society of London, B. 270: 483-488.

21. 新妻靖章*. 2003. エネルギー制約下における内温動物の生理的調節. 生態学会誌. 53: 49-53.

22. Kuroki M, Kato A, Watanuki Y, Niizuma Y, Takahshi A & Naito Y. 2003. Diving behavior of an epipelagically-feeding alcids, the Rhinoceros Auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 81: 1249-1256.

23. Deguchi T, Watanuki Y, Niizuma Y & Nakata A. 2004. Interannual variations of the occurrence of epipelagic fish in the diets of the seabirds breeding on Teuri Island, northern Hokkaido, Japan. Progress in Oceanography. 61: 267-275.

24. Niizuma Y* & Yamamura O. 2004. Assimilation efficiency of rhinoceros auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata, chicks fed Japanese Anchovy, Engraulis japonicus, and Japanese Sand Lance, Ammodytes personatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 139: 97-101.

25.新妻靖章*・井関健一. 2005. 利尻島で繁殖するオオセグロカモメの外部計測値の性的二型. Strix. 23: 131-135.

26. Niizuma Y*, Takagi M, Senda M, Chochi M & Watanuki Y. 2005. Incubation capacity limits maximum clutch size in Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris. Journal of Avian Biology. 36: 421-427.

27.Takenaka M, Niizuma Y & Watanuki Y. 2005. Resource allocation in fledglings of the Rhinoceros Auklet under different feeding conditions: an experiment manipulating meal size and frequency. Canadian Journal Zoology. 83: 1476-1485.

28.伊藤珠央・小関右介・新妻靖章*. 2006. メダカ Oryzias latipes における雄の鰭の損傷による産卵数および受精率の低下-外来種カダヤシ Gambusia affinis が与える繁殖への潜在的影響-. 野生生物保護 10:1-7.

29.中川靖大・新妻靖章*. 2006. 愛知県内に生息するカワウの甲状腺に見られる組織学的変化. 日本鳥学会誌 55:88-89.

30. Niizuma Y*, Gabrielsen GW, Sato K, Watanuki Y & Naito Y. 2007. Brünnich’s Guillemots (Uria lomvia) maintain high temperature in the body core during dives. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 147, 438-444.

31. Tomita N, Niizuma Y, Takagi M, Ito M & Watanuki Y. 2009. Effect of interannual variations in sea-surface temperature on egg-laying parameters of Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris) at Teuri Island, Japan. Ecological Research 24:157-162.

32. 水谷友一・富田直樹・風間健太郎・高橋弘樹・長谷川理・新妻靖章. 2009. ウミネコにおけるテロメア長と年令の関係. 日本鳥学会誌. 58: 192-195.

33. 佐藤真衣・井上裕紀子・石垣麻美子・山脇諒子・中川靖大・新妻靖章* 2009. 愛知県二地域におけるカワウの食性. 日本鳥学会誌. 58: 196-200.

34. Inoue Y, Yoda Y, Fujii H, Kuroki H & Niizuma Y. 2010. Nest intrusion and infanticidal attack on nestlings in Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo: why do adults attack conspecific chicks? Journal of Ethology. 28: 221-230.

35. 新妻靖章* (2010) ウミガラスの生理生態学:体温変化と潜水行動の関係を探る. 日本鳥学会誌. 59: 31-37.

36. 風間健太郎・伊藤元裕・新妻靖章・桜井泰憲・高田秀重・Sydeman WJ・Croxall JP・綿貫豊. 2010. 海洋環境モニタリングにおける海鳥の役割と保全. 日本鳥学会誌. 59: 38-54.

37. 富田直樹・水谷友一・藤井英紀・杉浦里奈・柳井徳麿・淺野玄・新妻靖章. 2010. 青森県蕪島におけるウミネコ成鳥の殺傷死体の発見.日本鳥学会誌. 59: 80-83.

38. Kazama K, Niizuma Y & Watanuki Y. 2010. Experimental study of the effect of clutch size on nest defense intensity in Black-tailed Gulls. Ornithological Science. 9: 93-100.

39. Sato T, Watanabe K, Kanaiwa M, Niizuma Y, Harada Y & Lafferty K. 2011. Nematomorph parasites drive energy flow through a riparian ecosystem. Ecology 92: 201-207.

40. 風間健太郎・伊藤元裕・富田直樹・新妻靖章*. 2011. 海鳥のモニタリングのための海岸漂着海鳥調査と海上センサス. 日本鳥学会誌 60: 12-18.

41. Kazama K & Niizuma* Y. 2011. The Physiological Ecology in Seabirds: INTRODUCTION. Ornithological Science. 10: 1-2. (査読無し)

42. Kazama K, Sakamoto KQ, Niizuma Y & Watanuki Y. 2011. Testosterone and breeding behavior in male Black-tailed Gulls: an implant experiment. Ornithological Science 10: 13-19.

43. Tomita N, Kazama K, Sakai H, Sato M, Saito A, Takagi M & Niizuma Y. 2011. Intra- and inter-clutch variation in maternal yolk testosterone level in the Black-tailed Gulls Larus crassirostris. Ornithological Science 10: 21-25.

44. Yamamoto M, Kato A, Niizuma Y, Watanuki Y & Naito Y. 2011. Oxygen store and diving capacity of Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata. Ornithological Science 10: 27-34.

45. Niizuma Y*. 2011. Relationship between body water and lipid in three seabird species, Leach’s Storm-Petrels, Rhinoceros Auklets and Black-Tailed Gulls. Ornithological Science 10: 35-38.

46. Kazam K, Niizuma Y, Sakamoto KQ, & Watanuki Y. 2011. Factors affecting individual variation in nest defense intensity in colonially breeding Black-tailed Gulls. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 89: 938-944.

47. Kazama K, Niizuma Y & Watanuki. 2012. Consistent individual variation in aggressiveness and behavioral syndrome across breeding contexts in changing environment in the Black-tailed Gull. Journal of Ethology 30: 279-288.

48. 井上裕紀子・新妻靖章. 2012. 序文:日本におけるカワウの保全管理:生態学的研究と他地域に応用するためのケーススタディ.日本鳥学会誌. 61: 3-5. (査読無し)

49.井上裕紀子・藤井英紀・黒木博文・土屋健児・新妻靖章・綿貫豊. 2012. 沿岸と内陸におけるカワウの産卵開始時期とその同調度合い. 日本鳥学会誌. 61: 6-16.

50. Shirai M, Yamamoto M, Ebine N, Yamamoto T, Trathan P, Yoda K, Oka N & Niizuma Y. 2012. Basal and field metabolic rates of Streaked Shearwater during chick-rearing period. Ornithological Science. 11: 47-55

51. Yoda K, Tomita N, Mizutani Y, Narita A & Niizuma Y. 2012. Spatio-temporal responses of Black-tailed Gulls to natural and anthropogenic food resources. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 466: 49-259.

52. Kazama K, Niizuma Y & Watanuki Y. 2012. Occurrence Patterns of Intra-Specific Kleptoparasitism, Chick-Attack, and Chick Adoption in Black-tailed Gulls (Larus crassirostris). Waterbirds. 35: 599-607.

53. Shirai M, Ito M, Yoda K & Niizuma Y. 2012. Applicability of the doubly labelled water method to the Rhinoceros Auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata. Biology Open 1: 1141–1145.

54. Ito M, Kazama K, Niizuma Y, Minami H, Tanaka Y & Watanuki Y. 2012. Prey resources used for producing egg yolks in four species of seabirds: insight from stable-isotope ratio. Ornithological Science. 11: 113-119.

55. Yoda K, Tajima T, Sasaki S, Sato K & Niizuma Y. 2012. Influence of Local Wind Conditions on the Flight Speed of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. International Journal of Zoology. vol. 2012, Article ID 187102, 7p.

56. Kazama K, Murano H, Tsuzuki K, Fujii H, Niizuma Y & Mizota C. 2013. Input of seabird-derived nitrogen into rice-paddy fields near a breeding/roosting colony of the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), and its effects on wild grass. Applied Geochemistry 28: 128–134.

57.Kazama K, Iwamoto MT, Hori Y & Niizuma Y. 2013. Effect of ambient air-temperature on food intake of captive sub-adult Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo hanedae. Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology.

58. 土屋健児・風間健太郎・井上裕紀子・藤井英紀・新妻靖章*. 2013. 中部地域におけるカワウの育雛期の食性の繁殖地および年による違い.日本鳥学会誌.

59. Shirai M, Niizuma Y*, Tsuchiya K, Yamamoto M & Oka N. (2013) Sexual size dimorphism in Streaked Shearwaters (Calonectris leucomelas). Ornithological Science.

60. Shirai M, Ito M, Yoda K & Niizuma Y. in press Basal metabolic rate of Rhinoceros Auklets Cerorhinca monocerata by measuring a respirometric method. Marine Ornithology.

61. Kazama K, Hirata K, Yamamoto T, Hashimoto H, Takahashi A, Niizuma Y, Trathan PN, & Watanuki Y. (in press) Movements and activities of four male Black-tailed Gulls in breeding and sabbatical years. Journal of Avian Biology.

62. Mizutani Y, Tomita N, Niizuma Y & Yoda K. (in press) Environmental perturbations influence telomere dynamics in long-lived birds in their natural habitat. Biology Letters.

63. Niizuma Y*, Tsuchiya K, Kume H, Beesyo T & Kazama K. (in press) Nutritional Composition and Energetic Values of Great Cormorant prey species in Japan. Journal of Yamashina Institute for Ornithology.


1. 吉田信代・新妻靖章. 1993. マルツヤマグソコガネの北海道での記録. Lamellicornia. 9: 38.

2. 新妻靖章*. 1995. 大黒島のコシジロウミツバメとオオセグロカモメの繁殖ペアー数について. 釧路市立博物館紀要. 19: 15-18.

3. 前川聡・新妻靖章. 1996. 三陸沖から釧路沖にかけての海鳥の分布と個体数. 我孫子市鳥の博物館調査研究報告. 5: 115-124.

4. 新妻靖章*. 2001. 環境アセスメント調査のデータベースの構築の必要性. ワイルドライフレポート. 19: 121-122.

5. 新妻靖章*・石川宏治・森宏枝・荒木葉子・長雄一・綿貫豊. 2002. ナホトカ号油流出事故によるウトウの外部形態と栄養状態に関する報告. Pp. 543-562. ‘ナホトカ号油流出事故による海鳥類への影響調査等業務報告書’ 財団法人 日本鳥類保護連盟 編.

6. 新妻靖章*. 2003. 冷たい海洋で凍えない内温動物の潜水生理. 科学. 73: 53-54.

7. 新妻靖章. 2003. ヒトとその環境. ‘生物環境物理学の基礎’ (共訳). 森北出版.

8. 新妻靖章. 2004. 鳥類学辞典 (共同執筆). 山岸哲・盛岡弘之・樋口広芳 (監修). 昭和堂.

9. 新妻靖章. 2005. 海鳥 ‘南極・北極大百科図鑑’ (共訳). 東洋書林

10. 新妻靖章*. 2008. 潜水時の海鳥の体温調節. 海洋と生物. 175: 160-164

11. Niizuma Y*, Toge K, Manabe Y, Sawada M, Kanbe K, Yamamura O & Watanuki Y. 2008. Diet and Foraging Habitat of Leach’s storm-Petrels Breeding on Daikoku island, Japan. Okada, H., Mawatari, S.F., Suzuki, N. and Gautam, P. (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proceedings of International Symposium “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”,1–5 October 2007, Sapporo, pp. 153–159.

12. Kazama K, Tomita N, Ito M, Niizuma Y, Takagi M & Watanuki Y. 2008. Responses in breeding behaviour of the Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris) to different marine environments. Okada, H., Mawatari, S.F., Suzuki, N. and Gautam, P. (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proceedings of International Symposium “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”,1–5 October 2007, Sapporo, pp. 215–220.

13. 佐藤克文・佐々木幸穂・依田憲・新妻靖章. 2010. データロガーを用いたカワウの採食行動特性解明. 日本水産学会誌 76: 712.

14.井上裕紀子・藤井英紀・新妻靖章. 2010. 沿岸域と内水面のカワウ繁殖率の違い. 日本水産学会誌 76: 720.

15. 藤井英紀・新妻靖章*. 2011. 東海地方におけるカワウの現状と研究. 海洋と生物 194: 211-217.

16. 鈴木敏明・杉浦里奈・新妻靖章*. 2012. ツキノワグマの主要な餌となるドングリ類のタンニン量の季節変化.名城大学総合研究所紀要. 17: 31-34.
