生物化学研究室 2012年度 学会発表

  • 2012年度 学会発表

    ・今友里恵・福島英晃・氏田 稔・奥村裕紀 (2012) 鳥類ZP糖タンパク質と相互作用する精子膜タンパク質の探索 第85回日本生化学会大会講演要旨集, 2P-261

    ・Nishio, S., Okumura, H., Iwata, Y., Oshima, K., Nadano, D., Sasanami, T., Jovine, L., and Matsuda, T., Protease-dependent sperm penetration of the bird egg coat: Identification of peptide fragments proteolytically released from the ZP protein matrix and the involved sperm proteases. International Symposium on the Mechanisms of Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants, Joint Meeting of the 2nd Allo-authentication Meeting and the 5th Egg-Coat Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, November 12-16 (P-28), 2012.

    ・Okumura, H., Fukushima, H., Ima, Y., and Ujita, M., Highly heterogeneous glycosylation profiles of chicken ZP3 - Biological meanings of the molecular heterogeneity of ZP glycoproteins remain unclear. International Symposium on the Mechanisms of Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants, Joint Meeting of the 2nd Allo-authentication Meeting and the 5th Egg-Coat Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, November 12-16 (P-32, selected for oral presentation, Nov. 13), 2012.

    ・由良裕城・木落信郎・山内陽介・小池正太・奥村裕紀・氏田 稔 (2012) 組換えヒトデクチン-1の結合特異性 日本薬学会フォーラム2012衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー, P-009

    ・丹羽 將・山田昌広・山中麻由美・奥村裕紀・氏田 稔 (2012) ヒトキトトリオシダーゼの組換えキチン結合ドメインの結合特異性 日本薬学会フォーラム2012衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー, P-011

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